Weekday sandwich hack

So people always ask me how I can be bothered to make Adam lunch everyday. I prefer packing him a healthy sandwich rather than just peanut butter and jelly or something. This is usually a lot more work but I’ve managed to find a way to make it easy so I can maximise sleep in time in the mornings!

This is my trick – on a Sunday night I will cut up everything and put it into Tupperware containers. I line them with 2 pieces of paper towel so that the ingredients don’t go soggy.

Then in the mornings, all I have to do is assemble. This is what I would normally put in but feel free to mix and match. You can also use left over chicken from this recipe as the meat



2 types of meat – I usually use ham/turkey/chicken and something stronger like salami or pastrami
lettuce – cut/pulled into the right size on sunday and put into a tupperware box
Tomatoes – sliced on sunday and put into the Tupperware box
Carrot – grated with a cheese grater on sunday and put into a tupperware box
Cucumber – slicedĀ on sunday and put into the Tupperware box
cheese slices


  1. My layers go: Bread, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, meats, carrot, salt/pepper, cheese and bread
  2. cut sandwich in half
  3. pull out a piece of baking paper about double the width of the sandwich. Wrap the sides then the bottom
  4. wrap sandwich in baking paper then put into a zip lock bag

1 Comment

  1. Pingback: Roast chicken – Project Noms

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