Pumpkin and ricotta cannelloni

– Basil
– Garlic
– Passata
– Pumpkin
– Ricotta
– Pine Nuts
– Cannelloni
– mozzerala (and parmesan OPTIONAL)

Pumpkin and ricotta cannelloni

  1. Preheat the oven to 180
  2. Heat oil in a pan with basil and garlic
  3. add in passata
  4. Dice pumpkin, cover with oil and salt and bake until soft (about 20 mins)
  5. Toast the pinenuts in a saucepan on low heat
  6. Use a mixer to mix the pumpkin, pine nuts and ricotta. Don’t forget to season
  7. Use a piping bag to fill each cannelloni
  8. place tomato sauce on the bottom of a tray, followed by filled cannellonis
  9. top it with more sauce and mozzarella cheese. Bake for 30 mins