Chicken/Pork Katsu

This recipe works well with chicken or pork. I use it for katsu curry but you can also use it for katsu don or just as a dish on its own. Traditionally you do this with a big piece of chicken or pork (like a schnitzel) but I prefer the taste of smaller pieces



chicken or pork
Plain flour
egg – beaten
Panko bread crumbs
Oil for frying


  1. heat 4cms of oil in a pan on MEDIUM heat
  2. Pat meat down with paper towel. Cut up chicken/pork to desired size (don’t make the pieces too thick or they won’t cook as well)
  3. Season a plate of flour with salt and pepper
  4. Set up a station with flour, beaten egg and a bowl of panko bread crumbs (all in separate bowls)
  5. Cover the chicken/pork in flour on all sides
  6. Dip the piece in egg
  7. Quickly dip this into the bread crumbs and cover all the sides
  8. Test the oil by throwing a few pieces of bread crumbs into it. It should sizzle immediately. Once the oil is hot enough, put in chicken/pork pieces
  9. Cook for 2 minutes – turn and keep cooking until it is a golden brown colour. Remove from oil and place onto a plate covered in a few pieces of paper towel