Chicken in Sandles

A great easy recipe I found in a mexican cook book that I’ve altered. This was also the first time I’ve tried Reynolds slow cooker liners. They have changed my life!


2 tablespoons butter
1 brown onion – chopped
3 cloves garlic – crushed
100g chopped ham
100g chopped chorizo
2 tomatoes, chopped
1 appleĀ sliced
1 pear, sliced
5 pineapple slices – diced
1 sweet potato – peeled and sliced
4 tablespoons almonds
4 tablespoons raisins
1.5kg chicken (breast or thigh) – roughly cut so they are about 10cm cubes
1 cup red wine
1 pinch ground saffron
1 pinch ground cinnamon
1 pinch ground cloves


  1. in a pan over the stovetop, melt butter and cook onion and garlic
  2. add chorizo and ham and cook until onion is soft
  3. transfer mix to slow cooker
  4. Add in pineapple, tomato, sweet potato, pear, apples, raisins and almonds
  5. Sprinkle cinnamon, cloves and saffronand mix well
  6. Add in chicken pieces and red wine. Stir and mix everything together
  7. Cook on low for 6-7 hours. If possible, give it a stir after 3 hours to make sure the chicken is in the stock