Cauliflower and Hazelnut risotto

300g aborino rice
500g cauliflower – diced in food processor
3 cloves garlic, crushed
1 onion, finely diced
200g silverbeet, diced in food processor
500ml vegetable stock
4-5 sprigs of thyme
50g hazelnuts
100g butter
100g parmesan, grated
200ml cream

1. Mix vegetable stock with 600ml water and bring to a boil

2. In a separate pan, heat oil in pan. Add onion and garlic and cook until soft

3. Add in rice, cauliflower and thyme and cook til slightly toasted

4. add in vegetable stock mix, stir until combined and cook on low covered for 20 minutes until rice is soft and liquid is dissolved (add more water if needed)

5. In a separate pan, toast hazelnuts then crush. Add in butter until melted and mixture becomes fragrant

6. once rice is ready, add in silverbeet until wilted

7. stir in cream and 1/2 the parmesan

8. stir in hazelnut butter mix and serve with remaining parmesan