Basic Fried Rice

Fried rice is super easy and you can just make it with whatever you have leftover in the fridge. Prawns are also a great addition but hubby doesn’t eat them. You can also take out the meat and just have veggies and tofu 🙂


  • 2 cups cooked rice (completely cooled/straight from the fridge is perfect)
  • 100g ham – diced
  • 1 carrot – grated
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 cloves garlic – crushed
  • 1 small can corn kernals
  • 50g frozen peas
  • sweet soy sauce (if you do not have this, you can use normal soy and honey)
  • prawns – cut into small pieces


  1. if you are using prawns, fry them up first on the pan so they are cooked
  2. pour oil into the rice and mix well
  3. Heat up a pan until very hot and put rice, corn, carrot and ham in (mix well). It should sizzle from the oil in the rice
  4. Part a hole in the mixture and put in garlic. Mix it in
  5. Season with salt and pepper
  6. Stir in soy sauce. Mix well
  7. break eggs into the rice and mix well into the rice
  8. Once the egg is cooked, stir in frozen peas and prawns if you are using it
  9. Cook for a further 3 minutes and serve