Japanese Curry (great with Katsu)

This recipe is great with katsu. But if you are feeling lazy, you can also just cook the chicken/pork in the curry. You can use whatever veggies you like and as much as you like. If you are a vegetarian, you can just leave the meat out all together



1 potato – diced
1 capsicum – diced
1 carrot – diced
1/2 onion – diced
2 sticks of celery – cut into small pieces
3 cups water
1 packet Japanese curry powder
250g chicken  – diced (not needed if you are using katsu)
2 cups cooked Japanese rice – to serve


  1. Heat some oil in a pan and cook onions (if you are using fresh chicken pieces -not katsu – add them in now and brown the chicken with the onion)
  2. Remove onion/meat from pan and put in the rest of the veggies
  3. Top with water and let it cook on medium for 25-30 minutes (until the veggies are soft)
  4. Add in curry powder blocks
  5. Add onion/chicken back in and mix well
  6. bring to a simmer
  7. In a bowl, place 1 serving of rice. Top with katsu if you are using it
  8. Add curry to the top and serve