Burnt Basque Cheesecake

– 750g cream cheese blocks (room temp)
– 1 cup caster sugar
– 1 1/4 cup thickened cream
– 1/4 cup plain flour
– 1 tablespoons vanilla extract
– 3/4 cups eggs (about 4 eggs) lightly whisked


  1. preheat oven to 220 degrees
  2. line a 20cm cake pan with baking paper. Crinkle the baking paper to fit it in
  3. Beat cream cheese for 2 mins on medium until soft. Add in sugar on low for 10 seconds

  4. in a separate bowl, hand whisk 1/4 cup cream with flour until it becomes a paste. Add more cream if required to make it smooth. Whisk in the rest of the cream and vanilla

  5. Add cream mix to the cheese mix (on low). Add in eggs and beat for 1 minute or until incorporated

  6. Strain the mixture through a sieve

  7. Bake for 45 minutes or until top is a deep golden (up to 65 is fine)

  8. Cool for 2 hours on the counter and then overnight in the fridge