Okonomiyaki – Japanese pancake

This is basically a pancake with whatever you want in it! It tastes great with some seafood in it too or if you’re vegetarian just take the meat out and add some fried tofu or other veggies 🙂

I get all my japanese groceries from Lucky Mart in artarmon but most Japanese grocers should have all this


Serves: 2


Chopped cabbage – 1 cup
150g thinly sliced pork or bacon – cut into small pieces. (ALTERNATIVE- 50g pork, 2-3 prawns, 1 calamari ring – all cut into small pieces)
1 egg
1/2 cup okonomiyaki powder (you can also make the powder with 1 cup plain flour, ¼ tsp. salt, ¼ tsp. sugar, ¼ tsp. baking powder, 5-8 cm Nagaimo -grated, 1 tsp. dashi powder)
120ml water
japanese mayo
okonomiyaki sauce


  1. in a pan, cook meat until cooked through. Put aside
  2. In a bowl, mix okonomiyaki powder, egg and water (should be quite thick)
  3. Mix in cabbage, shallots and meat. It will basically be a giant sloppy mess
  4. pour 1/2 the mixture into a pan and spread out to make a pancake
  5. Wait until the edges are cooked and thickening up and flip the pancake (may require 2 spatulas). It may fall apart. If it does, just squish it all back together into a pancake (it will taste the same). Cook for another 2-3 minutes until cooked through
  6. Transfer to a serving plate
  7. Top with okonomiyaki sauce and mayonaise (up to you how much. The sauce is quite strong). You can also add bonito flakes to the top but I don’t find it really adds much to the taste